Presented by ABAOC, Disney, the Port of Los Angeles, Southern California Edison, and Quanta Consulting, Inc.
Sourcing Developments with China, India, the Philippines, South Korea, and Vietnam
Real-World Case Studies, Trends Risks, Opportunities in Global Business
Interactive & Compelling Panel Sessions
Procurement Opportunities & Diversity
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Friday, October 30, 2009
Location: Greater Los Angeles Area. The Paradise Pier Hotel, 1717 So Disneyland
Drive, Anaheim, CA 92802
Who Must Attend
1. Large-to-Medium Size Companies or Professionals who are currently engaged
in Global Operations in Transportation, Distribution, Utilities, Tech,
Constructions, Consumer Goods & Services, and Telecommunications.
2. Corporate Suppliers & Individuals wishing to expand their Market Base - Large
Corporations, Contracting, Purchasing, & Supplier Relationships.
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Press Release
for the 2009 Asian Global Sourcing & Procurement Conference