Thank you for visiting. The videos and photos provide a flavor of the origins, knowledge, insights and energy of the India Trade Conference.
It was for the purpose of educating the uninitiated and to promote trade with India that Southern California Edison, Network of Indian Professionals, Quanta Consulting and the Port of Los Angeles combined forces in organizing its 3rd Annual India Trade Conference at the Edison Center.
- Challenges of Doing Business in India Focus of Trade Conference, India Journal
The all-day conference, Destination India 2010: Green and Social Entrepreneurship, which focused on accessing New India Markets, addressed several issues facing today’s executives seeking to do large-scale business in the South Asian region.
- India Trade Conference Discusses New India Markets, India West - Article PDF
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Southern California businesses have many opportunities for trading business in India. Aerospace and green energy companies focused on solar and wind are able to export their technology to India. Social entrepreneurship is another area where U.S.-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will find needs.
- Helping Southern California companies trade business in India, Examiner
India is emerging as an import market for U.S. businesses, while offering quality exports that meet the standards of the U.S. market. Yet, for U.S. businesses wanting to make sales in India or develop ties with reliable suppliers, developing a business strategy for India requires careful planning.
- India Import Export Market, Associated Content
Companies needing information on importing or exporting their products and services to India will benefit from the India Trade Conference.
- India business conference in Southern California, The Examiner:
The annual India Trade Conference in Southern California helps companies get business contacts and advice for either exporting or importing products and services.
- Get Business Contacts at the India Trade Conference, The Examiner